St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool

Making our houmous


Some of us started to make our houmous today. We followed the recipes we wrote earlier in the week. The children have designed their own flavours, adding herbs and spices to their base.



Do all solutes dissolve at the same rate?


I was absolutely thrilled with Year 3s practical skills in science this week. They are getting better and better. It was a joy to watch them carrying out their experiments with the care and accuracy I would expect from much older children! They tested granulated sugar, icing sugar and salt to see if they dissolved at the same rate or took different amounts of time.



Making our frames

This week, the children have started to make their photo frame designs. I am thrilled with their progress using scissors, especially when cutting thick card. They are becoming increasingly accurate and their work. Is getting neater! 

Exploring finishing techniques

Year 3 are almost ready to design their own photo frames. In preparation, they have been trialling different effects on card to see which effect is most appealing.

Exploring finishing techniques

Year 3 are almost ready to design their own photo frames. In preparation, they have been trialling different effects on card to see which effect is most appealing.

Science interventions

Great to see children across KS2 learning science together! This group is designed to give some of our pupils extra practise honing their scientific skills and developing their knowledge.


Year 3 learned about electromagnetism yesterday. We were amazed to find out about magnetic fields and make our own with iron fillings.  The children then used electricity to interfere with a magnetic field. We tested this using a compass. Amazing!

We’re great at the grid method!

Year 3 have been practising the grid method today using place value counters to build conceptual understanding!

Using an atlas to find out about continents!

The children made great progress with their mapping skills this afternoon. Using atlases in pairs to find out about climates, seas, oceans and the geographical features of all 7 continents! Super work!

Y3 and Y4 Cinema Trip

We had a great time at the cinema yesterday! The children went to see an animated film called ‘Ballerina’, about an orphaned children from France who dreamed of becoming a dancer.  An amazing story of determination and will to succeed, as well as good links with anti-bullying week!