St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool


Statement of Commitment

At St Patrick’s Primary School, the safeguarding of children is of paramount importance. All visitors should be aware that our procedures for ensuring this over-ride any other consideration. Identification and all other checks will be made for all visitors who may be in contact with children.

The school ensures children learn in a safe, caring and enriching environment. Children are taught how to keep themselves safe, to develop positive and healthy relationships, how to avoid situations where they might be at risk including by being exploited.

The school also has a statutory responsibility to share any concerns it might have about a child in need of protection with other agencies and in particular police, health and children’s services. Schools are not able to investigate child protection concerns but have a legal duty to refer them. In most instances the school will be able to inform the parents/carer of its need to make a referral. However, sometimes the school is advised by children’s services or police that the parent/carer cannot be informed whilst they investigate the matter or make enquires. We understand the anxiety parents/carers understandably feel when they are not told about any concerns from the outset. The school follows legislation that aims to act in the interests of the child.

The school will always seek to work in partnership with parents and other agencies to ensure the best possible outcomes for the child and family’

If you have any concerns about Safeguarding please Contact one of the safeguarding team below;

  • J Lewis – (Head Teacher)
  • H Jones (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • P Price (Therapist)
  • C McKenna (Pastoral Support Worker)
  • P Larkin (SLT)
  • M McCracken (Link Safeguarding Governor)
  • D Blowes (Chair of Governors)


Child Protection Policy 

Code of Conduct

Managing allegations Against Staff

Safeguarding Leaflet

Safer Recruitment Policy

“In conjunction with Merseyside Police, St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School is involved in an initiative called Operation Encompass. The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in, heard or witnessed a domestic abuse incident. Following such an incident, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset, worried and unprepared. Operation Encompass aims to ensure that appropriate school staff (called Key Adults) are made aware early enough to support children and young people in a way that means they feel safe and included. At St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School our Key Adult is Hannah Jones

You can find our more by visiting Operation Encompass website or by contacting our Key Adult.

Help for families cope with media coverage of traumatic events 

Parent Zone

Save the children

Safeguarding leaflet for families Safeguarding – Parents meeting

Supportive Websites

Support for Criminal Exploitation Eyes open resource

Parents can refer any concerns they have themselves directly using the following link Report abuse

Support for Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse

Support for Forced Marriage Karma Nirvana

Support for FGM Woman Kind

Safeguarding Leaflet

Prevent Duty Departmental Advice

Tackling Child Abuse campaign