St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool

Year 6 Home Learning

Click below to download a transition booklet you and your child can work through in preparation for them starting at secondary school. There are some really useful activities in this to prepare you and your child for this transition so it is definitely worth doing!

Starting Secondary School

Home Learning Activities Set Weekly By Class Teacher

Week 11 (22.6.20)
Week 12 (29.6.20)
Week 13 (6.7.20)
Week 14 (13.7.20)

Daily lessons with video tutorial

Oakfield National Academy


Daily Maths

White Rose Hub daily lessons

Maths revision

English Revision

Reading Comprehension Revision Work

Spelling, punctuation and grammar revision

Covid Time Capsule – Help children to make sense of what is happening at the moment.

2020 Covid-19 time capsule sheets

Here is a link to the parent curriculum map section on our website. This shows you what your child will learn over the year:

Parent Curriculum Maps