St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool

Proposal for school opening 1st June 2020

St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School is working with the local authority to ensure that when we do open we open safely for our whole school community. 

From 1st June St. Patrick’s will be opening up for THE CHILDREN OF KEY WORKERS AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN ONLY. 

Mrs Lewis letter regarding school opening 1st June 2020

Link to information about what to expect when we open COVID code of conduct June 2020

Parent Code Of Conduct Covid 19

Behaviour policy addendum COVID 19

Please complete the attached form if you intend to return Request for place during lockdown for vulnerable and key worker children

Please keep checking the website and twitter @_stpatricks for any developments

If you are a key worker and need a place, then please email with

• name of your child,

• name of parent who is a key worker,

• place of work,

• job title,

• business contact of line manager who can confirm your employment.

• 2 emergency contact numbers

Please only  email the school or fill in the form below if you (and your partner if you have one) are key workers and have no other child care.
There is no obligation to send your child back if you do not wish to. 
List of Key workers –
NHS staff; social workers, care workers, health and social care staff and those required to maintain the sector; teachers, specialist education professionals and nursery staff; staff essential to the operation of the justice system; staff involved in the management of the deceased; administrative staff in local and central government essential to the delivery of the COVID-19 response or the delivery of essential public services, such as the payment of benefits. This includes government agencies and arms-length bodies; staff delivering essential public services such as payment of benefits; staff involved in the distribution of food or other key goods; police and police support staff; fire and rescue staff and support staff; transport workers; utilities workers; probation staff; IT staff necessary to support Covid-19 response; payment providers; waste disposal service presumably including refuse collection; armed forces personnel; MoD civilian staff and contractors; National Crime Agency; border security; national security staff; journalists and broadcasters; university staff working in a research role to help fight Covid-19 to the list of eligible workers. 
Please see letter from Steve Reddy (Director of Children Services)

Steve Reddy – Letter to parents regarding school opening – 15.05.2020

Letter from Steve Reddy with Arabic translation