St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool

School uniform

St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School Uniform

At St. Patrick’s, we take pride in our appearance and in belonging to the St. Patrick’s family. We ask for your support in ensuring that your child comes to school each day with the correct uniform.

Branded school uniforms can be purchased  online from Kitted Out, or you can visit the Aigburth Road shop at 333 Aigburth Road, Liverpool, L17 0BL. PLEASE CLICK LINK TO SEE UNIFORM

Families are also welcome to purchase non branded school uniform from other shops if they wish to do so. Please speak to school if you are struggling with purchasing uniform.

In the Summer term, we try to hold a “Uniform Swap” event where second hand uniform is available for free.

For children in nursery and reception

Due to the majority of nursery and reception curriculum taking place outside and being very physical, we find it is far better for the children to wear tracksuits as they are much more comfortable. Please be mindful, that your child may get dirty!

  • Green tracksuit (this can be school branded or none)
  • White polo shirt
  • Black trainers. (No coloured logos and soles should be black)

 For Children in Years 1-6

Winter UniformSummer Uniform
Green cardigan or jumper

White Shirt

Green and gold school tie

Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore

Shoes should be all black shoes or trainers. (No coloured logos and soles should be black)

For Muslim girls’ head scarves should be black or green
Green school cardigan or jumper

White polo shirt

Full green gingham summer dress

Grey shorts

Shoes should be all black shoes or trainers. (No coloured logos and soles should be black)

For Muslim girls’ head scarves should be black or green


Children are asked to come into school in their tracksuit on their PE days. You will be notified of their two PE days in September.

  • Green school tracksuit (branded or non-branded) with green or white polo shirts
  • Black trainers. (No coloured logos and soles should be black)
  • Green PE shorts
  • PE sweat tops are only to be worn on PE days

Other things to be aware of

  • We recommend that names are put on clothing, especially jumpers as these can be left places or get mixed up with other children’s belongings.
  • Nail varnish is not permitted.
  • The only jewellery allowed is small stud earrings.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed within the school – this is to stop anything happening to it or it goes missing.
  • Branded water bottles and book bags can be bought from Kitted out, but it is not essential for these to have the school logo.