St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool

St Patrick’s

Catholic Primary School

PARENT Handbook

Contact Details

General Enquiries should be made to Mrs. M Gradden or Mrs. S Brown at the school office.

School Address:

St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School,

Upper Hill Street, Toxteth, Liverpool L8 5UX

Tel: 0151 709 1062 • Fax: 0151 707 9367



Twitter: @st_patricks


A warm welcome to our School …

Dear Parents,

Welcome to St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School. We are so glad that you have decided to entrust the education of your child to us.

We are a small school, where every person is treated with Peace, Love and Understanding, and where each and every member is encouraged to “be the best that they can be.”

We will nurture your child, challenge them and work together with you to help them in their endeavours to reach their potential.

This handbook contains all the information that a parent will need to know about our school. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do everything we can to help you.

We look forward to working together with you and your child on their educational journey.


Kind regards

Mrs J Lewis

Head Teacher


Pupils have an excellent sense of belonging to the school. Its values and ethos are visibly reflected in the exemplary attitudes and relationships between all members of the community. St. Patrick’s is an oasis in which everyone feels safe, loved and valued for who they are.

(Religious Inspection November 2014)



St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School

Mission Statement


For our community to treat everyone

with the Christian values of

Peace, Love and Understanding

ensuring we are all responsible global citizens and prepared for life’s challenges.

‘Be the best that you can be’



To be an oasis of excellence for the community that we serve rooted in faith and family values, where every member of the community is valued

Developing life long learners who are ready to play an active and positive role in society.


Core Values


  • Faith
  • Family
  • Respect
  • Resilience
  • Resourcefulness
  • Responsibility
  • Reflectiveness


Our school community lives by following our golden rules:

We are kind and helpful; we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings.

We are honest; we don’t cover up the truth.

We are gentle; we don’t hurt others.

We listen; we don’t interrupt.

We look after things; we don’t damage property.

We are careful; we keep ourselves and others safe

We work hard; we don’t waste time.


Our school aims…

In accordance with the Archdiocesan Guidelines, the prime purpose of St Patrick’s Primary School is to provide an education rooted in Gospel Values.



  • To provide an enjoyable, broad and inclusive curriculum where children are encouraged to develop their skills and talents to achieve their full potential
  • To learn through listening, sharing ideas, trying our very best and through not giving up and to have faith and seek help when they are finding something difficult



  • For parents/carers and school to work together in teaching children to stay safe and be healthy, self disciplined and motivated to be good citizens and make a positive contribution
  • To ensure that children have respect for all and are aware of their responsibilities towards parish, school, home and local UK and global communities and other faiths and cultures


Gospel Values

  • To experience and reflect upon a sense of belonging to a wider world and to nurture a sense of love for God and their neighbour whilst working alongside parish and parents in teaching children about the Catholic faith to help them make informed choices in life
  • We aim to learn, grow and pray together in Jesus and be loving, caring and share a smile with everyone we meet. We aim to enjoy praying and praising God.


Our learning community…

Governing Body

The governors can be contacted via school:

Mrs. D. Fox                  Foundation Chair of Governors

Mr. D. Blowes             Foundation Vice Chair of Governors

Mr. P Devaney            Foundation Governor

Ms. J. Tremarco        Foundation Governor

Ms. F. Brady               Foundation Governor

Mrs. M. Gradden       Staff Governor

Mrs. H. Jones             Associate Governor

Mr D Wright                 LA Governor

Mr M McCracken       Parent Governor

Mr F Evwerhamre     Parent Governor


Staff List



Mrs. J. Lewis


Deputy Headteacher

Mrs. H. Jones


Teaching Staff


Mrs. M. Potts                Miss J. Edwards


Mrs J. Davies                Mrs. J. Stocks


Mrs. P. Farrington       Miss J. Shack


Mrs. S. Lally                  Mrs. H. Kellett


Mr. P. Larkin                  Miss K. O’Callaghan


Mr. J. Sproule




Nursery Nurses/Learning Support

Mrs. J. Spencer, Mrs. A. Saunderson


Learning Mentors

Ms. P. Price, Mrs. A. Fairhurst


EAL Support

Ms. K. Hashim


Teaching Assistants

Mrs. T. Jones, Ms. C. Rowan Mrs. P. Smith, Mrs. J. Hughes Ms S. Sumner, Mrs. S. Jones, Mrs. S. Routledge, Miss K Parris


Administration team

Mrs. M. Gradden

Mrs. S. Brown


Premises Staff

Ms. T. Holland

Ms. B. Hill

Mrs. M. Macauley Mrs. C. Parker Mrs. T. Macdonald Mr. P. Mckenna


Supervisory Assisants

Mrs. B. Gillespie

Ms. P. O’Hare


Catering Staff

Ms. J. O’Donnell

Ms. C. Walker

Mr. T. Chialton




We are a one form entry school and each year we admit pupils up to a limit of 30 children per year group in accordance with our school’s admission policy, which can be viewed on the school website. There is at present a Foundation Stage for Nursery and Reception and there will be six classes in Key Stages 1 and 2 in the next academic year.



Forms can be collected from the office staff. Parents need to bring the child’s birth certificate, medical details and proof of religion (if necessary) with them. For Reception, there also needs to be an online application to Liverpool City Council.


Foundation Stage Team Teacher Staff Session Times  
Nursery AM   Miss K O’Callaghan 08:45 – 11:45  
    Mrs A Saunderson morning session  
Nursery PM   12:15 – 15:15  
  Miss K Parris  
  Mrs M Potts afternoon session  
Reception Mrs J Davies 08:50 – 11.30 morning session  
  11:45 – 12:45 lunch time  
    Mrs J Hughes 12:45 – 15:15 afternoon session  
      (Lunch times will be slightly varied in  
      autumn term 1 to assist with transition)  


Key Stage 1 Team Teacher Staff Session Times  
Year 1   Mrs J Edwards (Maternity leave) 08:50 – 11:30  
  morning session  
    Mrs J Spencer 11.45 – 12.45  
      lunch time  
      12:45 – 15:15  
  Mrs H Kellet   afternoon session  
  Miss J Shack 08:50 – 11:30  
Year 2   morning session  
  Mrs S Jones (TA) 11.45 – 12.45  
    Miss A Watt (TA) lunch time  
    12:45 – 15:15  
      afternoon session  


Key Stage 2 Team Teacher Staff Session Times  
Year 3   Mrs P Farrington 08:50 – 12:15  
Mr P Larkin Mrs P Smith (TA) morning session  
  12:15 – 13:15  
  Mr J Sproule  
Year 4   lunch time  
  13:15 – 15:15  
  Miss C Rowan (TA)  
    afternoon session  
Year 5   Miss E Hall, Miss C Hill (TA) 08:50 – 12:45  
  Miss S Sumner (ESA) morning session  
  Mrs J Stocks 12:45 – 13:45  
Year 6   Mrs S Lally lunch time  
  13:45 – 15:15  
  Mrs S Routledge (ESA)  
    afternoon session  


Attendance and absence…

Parents are responsible for making sure that your child gets to school on time. Children should not arrive before 8:45am as the school is not legally responsible for their supervision on the school premises.


The school is not responsible for the supervision of children on school premises after the end to the school day at 3:15pm. A known adult should meet younger children at the end of the school day and, if there is any change with collecting arrangements, the school should be informed. Occasionally children are not collected on time. When you realise that you may be late in collecting your child, please contact the school straight away so that we can re-assure your child, as well as avoid having to carry out any emergency procedures




Parents are asked to inform the school by telephone on the first day of absence. We try to maintain a ‘First Day Response’ system. This means that if parents do not inform the school of a reason for absence, they will be contacted either by phone or a home visit by one of our Learning Mentors.


The Educational Welfare Officer will also visit homes where there seems to be an excessive amount of time off school. By law it is the responsibility of parents to see that their child attends school regularly.


PLEASE NOTE: Following recent government regulatory changes, it is not now possible for the Headteacher to authorize in-term absences for holidays. As a result, such absences will be recorded as unauthorized absences, for which parents are legally responsible. Penalties may result.




Being late to school can have a considerable impact over the whole school year. The table below shows you just how much time can be missed over a year just by being 5 minutes late to school every day:


  • 5 minutes late every day = 3 days of school lost a year


  • 10 minutes late every day = 6.5 days of school lost a year


  • 15 minutes late every day = 10 days of school lost a year


  • 20 minutes late every day = 13 days of school lost a year


  • 30 minutes late every day = 19 days of school lost a year


We understand that the school mornings can be hectic, but when your child is late for school they are missing out on vital parts of their education. Our school day begins at 8:50am. Children arriving to school after 9:00am are considered as being late and are marked in the register as ‘L’. If your child arrives 20 minutes after the register has been taken, they will have an “unauthorised” late mark – this is the same as an “unauthorised absence”.


If you are having difficulties getting your child to school on time, please make an appointment to see Miss Price who is in charge of attendance.


Persistent lateness or absence will result in a meeting with the Head teacher, Ms Price and the Educational Welfare Office. These meetings are to help and support you and your child.




Our Catering provider is ‘Absolutely Catering’


The school has the facilities for the children to take either a packed or a hot school lunch. The price of the school lunch is £2.00 per day, which is £10.00 per week. Dinner money should be sent to school on Monday morning. The money should be sent in a sealed envelope bearing the child’s name and Teacher, the total amount and those days for which payment is enclosed. If you fail to pay for your dinners, we will ask you to send your child in with a packed lunch. If you are having difficulties in paying, PLEASE see Mrs Brown.


Packed lunches must be brought to school in a suitable SMALL container marked with the child’s name. We ask you to provide a healthy lunch and do not allow chocolate in lunch boxes. Drinks will be provided by the school at lunch time for your child. For reasons of health and safety, children must never bring vacuum flasks of hot liquid to school.


Reception, year 1 and year 2


All pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2 in state-funded schools in England are eligible for free school meals (FSMs).


Eligibility criteria for other groups


Existing entitlements to free school meals for disadvantaged pupils at key stages 2 will continue as now, based on the existing free school meals eligibility criteria.


In England, children at key stages 2-4 in state-funded schools are entitled to receive FSM if their parents or carers are in receipt of any of the following benefits:


  • Income Support


  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance


  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance


  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999


  • the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit


  • Child Tax Credit (provided they are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by HMRC)


  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit


  • During the initial roll out of the benefit, Universal Credit


If your think you may be entitled to free school meals, you will need to go to a ‘One Stop Shop’ and provide proof of any benefits that you may be receiving. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify this department of any changes ie. a new child starting school or a change in benefit entitlement. Please see Mrs Brown in the office, if you need advice or support. Or you can check on the government website at


No distinction at all is made at lunchtime between those children who receive a free meal and those who pay.




Teaching Assistants and Supervisory Assistants are in charge and are responsible for the care of your child at lunchtime. Children are expected to behave in a reasonable and responsible way at lunchtime and respect each other and their Teaching and Supervisory Assistants


School Uniform…


We believe in the children wearing their school uniform with pride as it gives them a sense of identity and belonging.


Foundation Stage

Tracksuits – grey with logo



Grey skirt or trousers; School cardigan or jumper, white blouse; school tie; plain black, sensible shoes.

Summer – green gingham or striped dress may be worn.


* For Muslim girls, headscarves should be in plain school green or black



Grey trousers; school jumper, white shirt; school tie; plain black sensible shoes. Summer – white polo shirt



White or green T-shirt, green shorts, pumps or trainers (dark soled shoes not allowed for P.E. as they may mark the floor)



Twelve weeks per year from Year 3 to Year 6 inclusive. Swimming is a part of The National Curriculum and it is vital that all children have their own swimming kit in school to ensure lessons are not missed.


All clothing, including coats, should be clearly marked with the child’s name Please ask the class teacher when the P.E. kit is required.

If a child wishes to be excused from P.E. a note stating good reason is required from parents.


Jewellery should not be worn to school. In those cases where a child has pierced ears only plain metal studs (without stones or design) should be worn. Earrings cannot be worn without written permission. For reasons of health and safety dangling or hooped earrings are never allowed, and any child wearing such earrings will be asked to remove them. Nail varnish is not acceptable in school.


Valuables in school

The school does accept responsibility for valuables brought from home. The school does not take responsibility for items that are damaged or go missing. All staff have permission to confiscate items when necessary to do so. Normally the item will be handed back at the end of the day with the instruction to the child not to bring it in to school again. Where necessary staff will keep the item until collected by the parent. Children are not allowed to bring or use mobile phones in school. We encourage our pupils to look after their own items and take responsibility for their belongings. It is essential that the children’s belongings are clearly marked for identification. Lost jumpers/cardigans are the child’s responsibility. Any lost property, which is unmarked, will be kept for one half term and then recycled.


Curriculum at St Patrick’s…

EYFS Curriculum…

Areas of learning and development are planned and assessed across 7 areas, these are:

The prime areas are: The specific areas are:  
communication and language; literacy;  
physical development; and mathematics;  
•   personal, social and emotional •   understanding the world; and  
  development •   expressive arts and design  


here are Early Learning Goals for each of the areas of learning that establish expectations for most children to reach by the end of the Foundation Stage. Children are given the opportunity to make good progress towards, and where appropriate beyond, the Early Learning Goals.


Years 1 – 6…


We offer a curriculum, which is balanced and broadly based, and which:


  • promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society.


  • prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.


Years 1 and 2 follow KS1 programme of study. Years 3-6 follow KS2 programme of National Curriculum 2014 you can find out what your child will be studying from our Parent maps at


Religious Education…

  • Patrick’s is a Catholic school providing a religious education, which is integrated into the life of the school. The syllabus used is that authorised by the Liverpool Archdiocese; the “Come and See” syllabus.


  • The children’s spiritual and moral development is of paramount importance and parents should be prepared to support the school in all aspects of their child’s development.


  • Each week assemblies are taken by Senior Staff. Parents are encouraged to join us for all assemblies and are invited by the children to the RE ‘Show and Tell’ assemblies which we have at the end of most topics. The needs of those children who belong to other faiths are treated sensitively and their customs and traditions respected.


Learning outside the classroom…

Extra-curricular Activities

At St Patrick’s, we want to give every child the chance to discover where their interests and talents lie. In class, they are given access to the National Curriculum, but we want to give them other chances to shine. That is why, as a dedicated staff, we try to offer as many additional activities as possible. Football, basketball, gymnastics, athletics, art club, Spanish language, music tuition, dance and fitness training, craft club and drama are just a few examples of the activities on offer. Extra-curricular activity timetables can be found on our website. Children who make a commitment to out of school activities are expected to attend training regularly in the appropriate kit. Pupils who can’t attend should bring a note from parents for the PE teacher. The support of the parents at these events is always appreciated


Residential Experiences

The upper juniors are offered the chance to visit Spain, as the culmination of their studies in Spanish through the school. In alternate years, children from Years 5 and 6 are also offered an enjoyable stay in, for example, the Lake District. Lower key stage 2 groups have stayed at Crosby Hall Centre and Colomendy.


Days Out

Classes have visited a variety of places of interest to supplement their class studies. These include Windmill Farm, Knowsley Safari Park, Croxteth Hall, Heswall Dales, Thurstaston Woods, Wirral Country Park, West Kirby Sailing Centre, Grosvenor Museum Chester… just to name a few.


Assessment and reporting…

Children are assessed during the academic year formally and informally using a combination of tests and teacher assessment. In autumn term parents are invited to meet the class teacher to discuss their child’s targets. During the spring term the parents and teacher meet again to review the progress of these targets and for children’s work to be viewed. Final testing and teacher judgements are made in the summer term and the results of these tests are written into a school report.


Throughout their time in school children are regularly set targets after discussions. These targets include academic and pastoral areas. Targets are set in the autumn term and reviewed in the following spring term at a second parents evening. A written report on progress and to celebrate your child’s achievements within the year is sent to parents before the end of the academic year.


Additional needs…

The school pays particular attention to supporting children with special needs. All of our teaching staff can give individual help and support to children who need help with their learning and our learning mentors support children and parents with any needs and queries and liaise with external support services.


Children may have Special Educational Needs at some point during their schooling. These may include health issues, hearing or sight difficulties, emotional or behavioural concerns as well as learning difficulties or disabilities. Children are supported in their learning through individual learning plans and differentiated tasks. There are Teaching/Learning Support Assistants in school who work with small groups of children with Additional Educational Needs under the direction of the class teacher, managed by the Special Needs Co-ordinator and Headteacher. The school works with other agencies to provide support for needs which are outside the expertise of our staff. We ask that any information received from outside agencies be shared with the school. If your child has a medical diagnosis or health concerns we need written confirmation from the hospital or GP, this will then be placed onto their file, ensuring that their needs are fully met. If health care professionals offer recommendations, these should also be shared with the school in written form. Please see Supporting Pupils With Medical Conditions Policy.


Parents are encouraged to work with the class teacher in supporting their children’s learning. Meetings are held for parents to discuss their child’s Individual Educational Plan, but parents may make appointments at any other time if necessary.


All children are encouraged and supported to take a full part in the life of the school regardless of any additional needs they might have. As a school we will support them to overcome any boundaries


Please see our “Local Offer”, setting out how we approach SEN provision, and which has been written after discussion and consultation with parents and the Local Authority.


Equal Opportunities

One of our school aims is to help pupils gain understanding, respect, appreciation and tolerance of other groups, races, religions and ways of life. Our Equalities Policy, which is available for any parent to view on request, expands upon this and explains our procedures on dealing with any racial incidents or other unacceptable behaviour in this context

Our Equalities policy can also be found on our school website


Inclusion and Accessibility

In line with our commitment to make our school as fully inclusive as possible, we have an Accessibility Plan which is updated regularly and sets out how we are going about making our school environment and curriculum as accessible as possible to those with special needs of any kind. St Patrick’s aims to be an “inclusive school”, and we will make every effort in this direction. The school building is presently accessible to wheelchair users via the link corridor entrance. We have improved access for the disabled, and we want to make provision for all children, wherever possible. We are presently working hard towards making the site, the curriculum and our systems of information easily accessible to all in our community. We have achieved ‘Inclusion Charter Mark Award’


School Council…

Pupil voice is important to us at St Patrick’s and we value our children’s opinions. With this in mind a school council is formed each year, with the children democratically electing two councillors from each class. This process teaches our children about the idea of democracy and being fair. Children’s opinions about how the school is run are listened to at the school council. Meetings are held weekly and the pupils are supported by the Learning Mentors. School council activities include meeting with the governors to discuss the school’s successes and areas they feel could be further developed; they also meet with the catering company to discuss school dinners.


Keeping Safe…


The safety of your children is our main concern, and the school governors ensure that all procedures are followed and precautions taken to ensure this. All staff and visitors are checked according to recommended procedures.


Parents are assured that the school will take any reasonable action to ensure the children’s safety. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child might be subject to ill treatment, neglect, exploitation or other forms of abuse, governors will have no alternative but to take action themselves or instruct the head to follow the Local Authority Child Safeguarding Procedures, upon which our school policy is based, and advise Social Services of any specific concerns.


Behaviour and Safety

One of the aims in school is to develop a safe and nurturing environment and we a high standard of behaviour. This high standard of behaviour is regularly remarked upon when our children are taken on visits outside school.

Children are praised for effort, honesty and helpfulness. We have a behaviour awards assembly every Monday morning and on a Friday we have an assembly where children receive certificates and share their good work. Parents are invited to all of our assemblies and we love to see as many of you as possible

Children who do not follow our rules may miss a playtime. In cases of persistent misbehaviour a member of staff will contact the parents of the child concerned in order that both home and school can work together towards a solution.

The school has a clear behaviour policy, which you can find on our website


Actions Against Bullying

The school has anti-bullying procedures, which follow the principles set out in an Anti-Bullying Policy which has been agreed and shared by all the schools in our area network. In the spirit of our Mission Statement, we do everything we can to ensure that bullying is not tolerated and we embed this stance into our curriculum, procedures and the day-to-day life of the school.


Medicines in school

There may be times when it is necessary for children to take medicine during the school day. The school will administer medicines in accordance with Health & Safety regulations. Whenever possible parents are requested to ask their doctor to prescribe medicines that can be taken outside school hours. To administer medicines in school the following is required: –


  1. The request for medicines to be administered should be made personally by the parent to the school office. – a form must be completed.


  1. The medicine should be in the container as prescribed by the doctor and dispensed by the chemist with the child’s name and instructions for administration printed clearly on the label.


  1. The form for the administration of medicine should be completed by the parent. This will be kept in the office and passed onto a member of staff with the relevant training.


  1. Should the medication need to be changed or discontinued before the completion of the course, the school should be notified in writing


  1. Should the supply need to be replenished this should be done in person by the parent.


  1. A record of the administration of each dose will be kept and signed on the ‘Record of Medication’ form.


  1. Inhalers for Asthma will be kept in the classroom. For the young children the teacher will be in charge. Older children keep their inhaler to hand. These should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.


  1. Normally only the blue inhaler, which serves as a reliever is needed during the school day.


  1. Inhalers will always be taken to swimming, sport events and school trips


First Aid / Illness in school

All due care and attention is taken in school to avoid accidents but from time to time accidents occur. First Aid kits are placed in key areas around the school. The staff deals with a minor accident and details are recorded in the accident book and an information slip given to parents. If an accident is of a more serious nature, parents are contacted and an ambulance called. In the absence of a parent, the child will be accompanied to the hospital and cared for until the parent arrives. In these cases accident forms are completed and the relevant bodies informed.


Please ensure that the office has up to date contact numbers


School gates

For the protection of the children and staff it is necessary to lock gates at certain times of the day. The gates are locked each morning and only re- opened at the end of school. If the gates are locked please ring and the office staff will let you in. Please have patience, as our office is very busy. If you buzz and the gate does not open, please ring again as the office staff cannot open the gate without the buzzer ringing first. Children coming in late after the gates are closed should report to the school office and should always be accompanied by an adult.


Fire Drills

These are held half-termly so that the occupants of buildings are aware of the procedure to follow in an emergency


Parental Involvement…

Parents will be informed of the dates of parents evenings and are requested to attend without children if possible, as this is helpful to both parents and teachers. Parents have the opportunity to discuss end of year reports with teachers. Parents are invited into school several times during the course of the year e.g. assemblies, parents evenings, open days, workshops, concerts, etc.


Please make time to attend assemblies & meetings to which you have an open invitation. If parents value the schools contribution to their child’s education, so will their child. Our task is to help your child reach his/her true potential and we cannot do this without your help and co-operation. You will receive other information about parental activities as they occur during the year.



Friends of St Patrick’s

Our wonderful FOSP continue to do a great job for the school, for which we are very grateful. They have weekly coffee mornings every Tuesday to plan events e.g Bingo, Tombola, social events and they are also contributing in other important ways to the life of the school e.g. helping to organise the Young Savers’ Club, helping with trips and with the Family Barbeque. If you are interested in coming along and think you might be able to help in any way please speak to Mrs. Brown at the office.


Pastoral Care

The pastoral side of a child’s schooling is the responsibility of the individual class teacher in liaison with any other members of staff to whom children might prefer to talk. Our two Learning Mentors, Ms Price and Mrs Fairhurst are very important in this role, and are always available if needed. Children and parents who wish to join the school community must be fully aware of the schools’ aims and be supportive of them. All are accorded equality of respect, dignity and esteem whatever their background, race, culture, gender, role, status or ability.


Complaints Procedure

We expect all pupils, staff and parents to listen carefully and respectfully to each other as part of our commitment to working together to make our school a safe place, where respect is given to all.


However, we understand that at some points you may be unhappy. If this happens we urge you to please speak to the class teacher (in the first instance) who can deal with minor complaints. Following this if you still feel that your concern is unresolved, a meeting can be held with Mrs Lewis (appointment may be necessary) in order to resolve difficulties. Please see the complaints policy on our school website. We promise to follow up any complaint to the best of our ability and will always treat queries with fairness.


We value your comments, complaints…or even compliments!


School Charging Policy

St. Patrick’s participates in many visits as part of the National Curriculum, and sometimes just for fun! Because of the costs incurred, parents of those children involved are requested to make a voluntary contribution. If enough money is raised in this way the visit will be able to go ahead but there could be occasions when a trip may need to be cancelled if there is a significant shortfall overall. Should any parents ever be in a position where they are unable to make a voluntary payment, they are asked to approach the Headteacher or the Deputy Headteacher in confidence. Residential visits are vital for the motivation they provide. Grants may be available for lodging and food, but travel costs must be covered by voluntary contributions from parents. Children will not be excluded from any activity in school because they cannot afford it.


School Awards

We constantly strive to ‘Be the best that we can be’ and with this in mind we like to access awards in areas that we feel we shine in. Over the years we have obtained and retained many different awards. Please see our website for a full list of our awards and achievements.