St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool

Reception Home Learning

Weekly Home Learning Plans

Week 11 (22.6.20)
Week 12 (29.6.20)
Week 13 (6.7.20)
Week 14 (13.7.20)

The way babies, toddlers and children learn and develop changes as they get older. It is important to remember that for children aged 3 to 5, the most important types of learning are communication skills, social and emotional skills and physical skills. This means that so much learning takes through play and real-life activities, and more formal academic activities should be very brief at first, with children gradually concentrating for longer as they get older. See the document below to support learning in the home:

EYFS Home Learning 2020

Daily lessons with video tutorial

Phonics – Daily letters and sounds lessons at 10am

Daily maths lessons with video tutorial and resources


Covid Time Capsule – Help children to make sense of what is happening at the moment.

2020 Covid-19 time capsule sheets

Here is a link to the parent curriculum map section on our website. This shows you what your child will learn over the year:

Parent Curriculum Maps