Special Education Needs and Disabilities Policy 2024-2025
SEND information report 2024-2025
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – Local Offer
Name of EYFS and KS 1 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator – Miss J Edwards (currently on maternity leave, please direct any questions to Mrs Lally)
Name of KS 2 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator – Mrs S Lally
SEN Governor – Sarah Alvarez Rodrigues
If you wish to speak to Miss Edwards or Mrs Lally please phone the office on 0151 709 1062 or email
Complaints relating to SEND will be dealt with inline with the school’s Complaints policy. Please see the policy page to access further information on this.
Useful Websites;
Liverpool City Council – Local Offer
Independent Parental Special Education Advice – A useful site for free, legally based Special Education advice
National Autistic Society – The National Autistic Society website, the main UK charity for supporting people with ASD and their families (contains lots of useful advice and resources)
Widgit Symbol Resources – Symbolled resources for different topics and areas of life, including resources for fire safety and about visiting the doctors/dentists
Special Needs Kids – An information directory for parents and carers
Autism UK – Lots of information on ASD
Autism Speaks – A comprehensive site, with a useful resource library
One Place for Special Needs – A really useful set of social stories to share with children, covering topics ranging from coping with a new baby in the family to getting a haircut to making friends. The National Autistic Society website also provides guidance on writing your own personalised social stories