The policy of St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School is to provide a safe place of work for each of its employees, service users, visitors and members of the public, by taking such reasonable steps as are necessary to eliminate hazards to health and eliminate causes of foreseeable accidents. To this end, the creation of a positive Health and Safety culture, which secures involvement and participation at all levels on all matters related to Health and Safety will be the main objective. This is essential in order to create a continually improving awareness of the obligations that all employees have in achieving a positive reduction in the incidence of accidents and hazards to health.
Under the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974, The Headteacher of St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School recognises their managerial responsibilities and, so far as is reasonably practicable, will:-
- Provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace on a day to day basis with due regard to statutory requirements.
- Provide training and instruction to enable teaching staff, non-teaching staff, ancillary staff, pupils, visitors and any other person using the premises or engaged in activities sponsored by the school to perform their work safely and efficiently. Additionally, special training will be given where appropriate.
- Provide necessary safety devices and protective equipment and supervise their use.
- Operate a system of joint consultation to promote good practices covering Health and Safety.
- Maintain a continuing interest in Health, Safety and Welfare matters applicable to the Schools activities by carrying out suitable and sufficient assessments of the risks to health and safety of employees and pupils while on the school premises, to persons not in the school employ (visitors, parents, contractors), recording any significant findings, formulate control measures to eliminate the hazard, implement control measures into the normal operating procedures of the facilities under their control and monitor, review and upgrade as necessary the effectiveness of the control measures. A file of risk assessments for all these areas of activity is kept in the administration area.
See Risk Assessments for file
- ensure that any defects in the premises, its equipment or facilities are made safe without delay;
- collate accident and incident information and, when necessary, carry out accident and incident investigations;
- monitor first aid and welfare provision;
- monitor the management structure, along with the governors.
- Retain documented proof of those employees that have seen and understood the School Health & Safety Policy.
Under the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 employees have a corresponding duty to co-operate in the above objectives, individually and collectively, by:
- Working safely and efficiently, using the protective equipment provided, in accordance with the statutory obligations.
- Considering the safety of other employees, service users and members of the public on Council premises and reporting incidents to managers or supervisors which may have led or may lead to injury or damage.
- Familiarising themselves with, and adhering to, the rules and procedures for securing a safe place of work.
- Co-operating in joint consultation exercises.
- Assisting in the investigation of accidents or incidents with the aim of introducing measures to prevent recurrence.
The Governing Body in the discharge of its duty, in consultation with the Headteacher, will:-
- Make itself familiar with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc
Act 1974 and any other health and safety legislation and codes of practice which are relevant to the work of the school, in particular the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
- Ensure that there is an effective and enforceable policy for the provision of health and safety throughout the school.
- Safe arrangements for the handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
- safe and healthy working conditions which take account of all appropriate statutory requirements, codes of practices and guidance (either statutory or advisory).
- Personal Protective Equipment and clothing together with any necessary information, instruction, training and supervision.
- Adequate welfare facilities.
- Information, instruction, training and supervision so that all employees, pupils and others can perform their school-related activities in a healthy and safe manner.
- Periodically assess the effectiveness of this policy and ensure that any necessary changes are made.
- Identify and evaluate all risks relating to accidents, health, unsafe activities and any other activities which may be present.
- Identify and evaluate risk control measures in order to select the most appropriate means of minimising risk to employees, pupils and others.
- Create and monitor the management structure.
- The governing body, through the Headteacher, will make arrangements for the establishment of a safety committee by incorporating agenda items on health and safety matters into existing consultative groups. Representation on this committee will cover all appropriate areas of work or special hazards.
Contractors and others also have a duty of care:
- If the premises are used for purposes not under the direction of the Headteacher then the person in charge of the activities will have responsibility for safe practices. (No leases at present)
- The Headteacher or the co-ordinator will seek to ensure that hirers, contractors and others who use the school premises conduct themselves and carry out their operations in such a manner that all statutory and advisory safety requirements are met at all times.
- When the school premises or facilities are being used out of normal school hours as long as they are being used for school-sponsored or school-run activities they are suitably insured. However, the organiser of a non-school-run or school sponsored activity, even if an employee, for the purposes of this policy will be treated as a hirer. The Headteacher or the Co-ordinator will ensure that hirers, contractors or others who use the school premises provide written confirmation of public Liability Insurance cover (ideally £2 million Indemnity) before hiring of the premises is allowed.
- When the premises are hired to persons outside the employ of the School or the Governing body, it will be a condition for all hirers, contractors and others using the school premises or facilities that they are familiar with this policy, that they comply with all safety directives of the Local Education Authority or the Governing body and that they will not without the prior consent of the Headteacher or the Governing body introduce equipment for use on the school premises, alter fixed installations, remove fire and safety notices or equipment, take any action that may create hazards for persons using the premises or the employees or pupils of the school.
- All contractors who work on the school premises are required to ensure safe working practices by their own employees under the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 and must pay due regard to the safety of all persons using the premises in accordance with ss.3-4 of the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974. Contractors will provide a written ‘Method Statement’ describing how the work is to be carried out safely. The Contractor will also provide copies of any risk assessments which have been carried out, prior to any hazardous activities to be undertaken during the contract work.
- Construction Projects liable to exceed more than 30 days or 500 person days will be notifiable to the HSE under the CDM Regulations 2007. All construction contracts fall under the requirements of CDM 2007, however shorter duration contracts are not notifiable. The Client has a duty under the CDM Regs 2007 (to allow sufficient resource, realistic timescales and ensure crucial health and safety information in their possession is passed on to the CDMC & Principal Contractor), however with little or no construction expertise, the School will appoint a CDM Coordinator (CDMC) to manage notifiable projects.
- Other construction projects requiring careful planning and likely to require notification to the HSE include; some asbestos removal & demolition.
This Health & Safety Policy will be reviewed annually, or, in the event of a major incident, as and when appropriate to ensure compliance with the statutory requirements, and will ensure that all employees are made aware of the amendments / reviews undertaken.
The Headteacher has produced a Disaster Contingency Plan to cover all foreseeable major incidents which could put at risk the occupants or users of the school. This plan will indicate the actions to be taken in the event of a major incident so that everything possible is done to save life, prevent injury and minimise loss. The plan has been agreed by the Governing Body and is regularly rehearsed by employees and pupils. The result of all such rehearsals will form part of the regular risk assessment survey and the outcome will be reported to the governing body.
Refer to Health & Safety Risk Assessments, Guidelines and Good Practice Notes. (Kept in files in admin area).
Office Equipment:-
Although not particularly dangerous, all office machines, computers, photocopiers, stapling machines, etc. should be treated with care and used in accordance with instructions.
Staff should NOT attempt to repair electric plugs, leads, broken or loose connections on machines etc.; touch any plug, socket, switch or light fitting with wet hands; use any machine or equipment which is faulty nor attempt any repair, but ensure that it is reported via the Fault Log Book; attempt to clean or maintain any electric equipment unless the equipment is switched off and the plug removed from the socket; change plugs on equipment.
Staff should ALWAYS switch off general equipment after use, particularly at the end of the day. Exceptions must only be made for specified equipment such as computer terminals; ensure that guards provided are in place and do not use machines with faulty guards; keep containers of flammable liquids i.e. cleaning fluids, liquid paper etc. tightly closed when not in use. Store spare containers in a metal cupboard away from heat and the main working area. Ensure that stocks are kept as low as possible to meet requirements; ensure that flex, plugs and electric cable for portable equipment is visually checked before use. Report frayed or damaged items immediately and take care in using knives, scissors, stapling machines or guillotines. Never use a guillotine without a guard – report it.
Furniture and Fittings:-
ALWAYS ensure that space is used to best advantage so that movement can take place without knocking against desks, cabinets, sharp corners etc; place filing cabinets so that there is room to open drawers safely; open one drawer at a time, close it before opening another and close all drawers after use; put the heaviest load at the bottom of a cabinet, drawers of desk etc; do not overload them and avoid overbalancing filing cabinets by only opening one drawer at any one time; report to your supervisor any sharp edges and badly placed appliances etc.
ALWAYS:- keep floors, passages etc. clear of stores, packages, litter etc.; put waste paper in the waste bin; DO NOT:- throw broken glass or other dangerous items loose into the waste bin. Dispose of these with care and ask for advice from your Supervisor if in doubt.
Falls and collisions:-
ALWAYS:- walk, do not run; look where you are going; use care in opening doors outwards; take care
on stairs and use the hand rail; mop up spills of liquid, do not leave it to someone else; keep cloths and
towels away from heaters;. DO NOT:- climb on chairs, desks, or windowsills to reach shelves or to
open windows. Use steps, ladders or window poles etc;
ALWAYS:- avoid horseplay and practical jokes, it can be dangerous, if you believe a situation is
hazardous, report it to your Line Supervisor.
Procedure in Case of Fire:-
Fire Fighting
Hand operated fire extinguishers appropriate to the risk are provided. Employees should make themselves aware of their location and training will be provided on their use. However it is emphasised that these appliances are provided for “FIRST AID” fire fighting on small outbreaks that can be tackled safely. Where any danger to life exists, however slight, the door to the affected room should be closed and employees should leave the building. (The fire alarm is to be operated on the discovery of the fire).
- SAFE WORKING WITH DISPLAY SCREEN EQUIPMENT Refer to GN07 DSE 7 Workplace Ergonomics guidance. Warning:-
Poor working postures, incorrect keying action or insufficient breaks may cause a risk of developing upper limb disorders related to the work activity. If there is a problem with the workstation or you experience discomfort in your work tell your Line Manager.
- CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH (COSHH) Refer to GN04 Hazardous Substances (COSHH) 2011; Safety Manual Cleaning.
Risk Assessments:- 9a Manual Handling of Cleaning Materials & Equipment; 16 Caretaking and Cleaning Activities; 29a Chemical Substances Hazardous To Health – Cleaning Chemicals
First Aid:-
In the event of a serious accident with chemicals, the Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet should be available as a quick guide for remedial action to be taken whilst waiting for professional medical assistance. As a short-term measure the following procedures should be followed:-
- Eye contact – rinse with plenty of water for fifteen minutes, do not rub, seek medical attention if irritation persists.
- Skin contact – wash with plenty of water for fifteen minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and soak. Seek medical attention if irritation persists. Ingestion – rinse mouth with water. Give water to drink. Seek medical
attention. Do not induce vomiting.
- Inhalation – remove the victim to fresh air. Seek medical attention if necessary.
Refer to Risk Assessments:- 9a Manual Handling of Cleaning Materials & Equipment; RA 1 Workplace Indoors – Electricity
Manual Handling – A Short Guide; GN23 – Electricity Guidance Notes;
All machines must be kept in a secure store and prior to use, the operator should check the power lead and extension lead for:-
- broken insulation;
- knots in the cable;
- loose or burned connection (where lead enters the electric power plug);
- chaffing or burning at the point where the lead enters the machine;
- ensure that the rubber bumper strip on the machine is correctly positioned;
- cracked or broken electric power plug ( plugs must be renewed by a competent person ).
Vacuum cleaner bags must be emptied regularly (a dirty machine with blocked air vents can cause overheating and possible short circuits).
Report any machinery defects in the Fault Log Book and attach a label saying; “DANGER DO NOT USE”.
Attention:- DO NOT connect (or disconnect) the machine power plug to the electric mains socket with wet hands; disconnect the plug from the electric mains socket by pulling the cable; allow the machine to run over the lead as this will crush the cable and may result in breaking the insulation leading to electric shock; drop the plug – or allow it to fall into water or any other liquids; connect the machine to a lighting circuit or two pin socket, which is not earthed; use a machine without being shown how to use it safely; tamper with the machine if a fault develops. All faults must be reported to the Headteacher (or their delegated safety representative). The machine must not be used until declared serviceable by the repair engineer.
When the Machine is in Use pay particular attention to the danger of the cable being caught in the machine. This can be avoided by having all the surplus cable pulled well behind the operator; Make sure there are no obstacles in the path of the machine or the operator.
If the Machine is left unattended:- it must be switched off; The Handle should be locked in the upright position; As an added precaution, remove plug from the electric mains socket and place over the handle of the machine; Wrap up the extension lead if it is creating a trip hazard.
- THE TESTING OF PORTABLE AND TRANSPORTABLE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Refer to GN23 – Electricity Guidance Notes; RA 1 Workplace Indoors – Electricity User Checks:-
The person using the equipment should be encouraged to check the electrical equipment themselves, prior to use, to ensure there are no obvious visible defects; for example:-
- Damage to the cable sheath;
- Damage to the plug, for example cracked casing, bent pins or inadequate joints;
- Ineffectively secured outer sheath;
- Equipment subjected to unsuitable conditions;
- Damage to the external casing of the equipment;
- Evidence of overheating shown by burn marks or discoloration;
- Checks should also apply to extension leads and associated plugs and sockets;
- The presence of water or other liquid on or near the equipment.
Formal Visual Inspection:-
An Annual Portable Appliance Testing procedure is in place and is carried out by a Competent Person, a full inventory of equipment is taken and recorded.
Refer to Risk Assessment 19 Ladder Safety RA33 Working at Height, Guidance – indg 402 Safe use of Ladders and Step Ladders; indg 403 Toolbox Talk on Safe use of Ladders; indg 405 Top Tips for Ladders and Step Ladders;
All kitchen employees should know how to turn off the mains supply to the following:-
- Gas; Emergency Strike button in the Kitchen & Boiler House
- Electricity; Main Switch Gear in the Boiler House, various distribution boards throughout the site (Kitchen DB in the Dry Food Store)
- Water; Incoming mains water valve in the Boiler House
Do you know where your isolation points are located? If not – find out NOW!
Electrical Equipment:- Refer to item 7 also
Refer to GN23 – Electricity Guidance Notes; RA 1 Workplace Indoors – Electricity, 22 Work Equipment – Fixed & Portable;
All equipment must be used in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions
Gas Equipment:-
Refer to GN32 Gas Issues; RA 1 Workplace Indoors – Gas
All equipment must be used in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions
Kitchen Equipment, Cleaning Materials, Floors, Lifting & Access, Protective Clothing:-
Refer to Risk Assessment s: 14 Kitchen & Food Preparation, 9a Manual Handling of Cleaning Materials
- Equipment; 16 Caretaking and Cleaning Activities; 29a Chemical Substances Hazardous To Health – Cleaning Chemicals; CRA24 Manual Handling of Loads
Also refer to GN04 Hazardous Substances (COSHH) 2011; Safety Manual Cleaning.
Refer to Risk Assessment s: 9a Manual Handling of Cleaning Materials & Equipment; 9b Manual Handling of PE Equipment, 9c Manual Handling of Tables & Chairs, 9d Manual Handling of People, CRA24 Manual Handling of Loads
Also refer to GN25 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment, Manual Handling – A Short Guide, GN27 Moving Handling People
An Asbestos Register is held in the Main Office for viewing by Contractors & Visitors, this identifies all the areas where Asbestos is known to be present or suspected to be present.
The use of Contractors for small and large projects will generally be undertaken by either Liverpool City Council’s partner 20 20 or ASBC Ltd (Building & Health & Safety Consultant).
Refer to GN02 Managing Asbestos, Asbestos Management Plan, GN13 CDM Guidance, GN06 Control of Legionella,
Permit to Work system is in place for all Contractors working on the site. All Contractors are made aware of the Asbestos Management Plan and they are to provide the School with all relevant Risk Assessments and Method Statements as required by the work being undertaken.
School Management will meet its statutory obligation to visitors arising under criminal liability from the Health and Safety At Work etc Act 1974 and Regulations issued thereunder and civil liability to lawful and unlawful visitors under the Occupiers Liability Act 1984.
Lawful Visitors:- The School will ensure that all visitors are safe for the purpose of their visit by carrying out risk assessments and implementing any remedial action identified as being necessary to the premises, plant, equipment or systems. All visitors will report to Main Reception and complete the formal signing in process and be issued with visitors badges. No visitors will be allowed to go about the school without being accompanied unless they have provided the required full CRB information and their unaccompanied access is sanctioned by the Headteacher.
Unlawful Visitors – The School will where reasonably practicable take steps to prevent unauthorised access to school premises and discourage the presence of unlawful visitors through signage and internal security measures. When unlawful visitors are known to be/suspected of being present on school premises, employees are to refrain from any hazardous activities or taking action which may put themselves or such unlawful visitors at risk. The Police should be called where necessary.
See related policies (School Office)
Refer to RA 1 Workplace – Indoors – First Aid Activities; GN16 First Aid, GN29 Infection Prevention
- Communicable Disease Control 2011, Pregnant Workers Guidelines School Organisation for First Aid
- Infant Shared Area
- Junior Shared Area
- Nursery
- Outdoor Toilet in Playground
Portable first aid boxes for use on school visits are obtainable from the Infant Shared Area.
Children will not have free access to first aid boxes.
Medical Room
No Stand alone medical room provision is available. The Library is reserved for first aid treatment where necessary. Any medical professional (school doctor, nurse or dentist), visiting School (Pupils) would have the use of the Deputy Headteacher’s Office or the ICT Suite.
Children must not be sent there and left alone, without first contacting the Headteacher. Accident Reports
Accidents must be reported to the Headteacher or acting headteacher and the Accident Book filled in carefully and accurately. Accident report forms will be completed by the Headteacher where appropriate as soon as possible.
Medication in School
If children need to take medication during school hours, parents must inform the Headteacher of this requirement either in writing or in person. Medication must be kept in the medical stock cupboard. The child should attend at the stated time(s).
Emergency Details
When a child is admitted, the parent should complete the emergency detail proforma, including details of telephone numbers for contact. These forms are kept in the Main Office. Changes of address and telephone numbers must be noted.
Refer to RIDDOR Guidance, GN12 Accident – Incident Reporting and Investigation, Preventing Trips
- Slips in Work, Safe System of Work – Work Related Violence, GN35 Work Related Violence (including Incident Reporting)
Risk Assessments: 22 Security & Personal Safety
Accident reporting is carried out via the Liverpool City Council online Accident Reporting system.
Refer to Disaster & Contingency Plan, Fire Evacuation Responsibilities Posters, Fire Action Notices posted throughout the School buildings, Risk Assessment 3 – Fire
Procedures in case of Fire:-
- Operate the nearest fire alarm immediately.
- Call the Fire Brigade by dialling 999 on the telephone, give the operator your telephone number and ask for ‘Fire Brigade’. When the Fire Brigade replies give them your location and the location
of the fire distinctly. DO NOT assume that the call has been received until it has been acknowledged by the Fire Brigade.
- Tackle the fire with an extinguisher only if safe to do so.
- If not, proceed to the Assembly Point in Main Rear Playground
FIRE ALARMS will be tested regularly from different call points.
All drills and fire alarm tests must be recorded in the ‘Fire Log Book’ in the Headteacher’s office, together with details of any other action relating to fires and fire safety equipment.
Bomb Threats, suspect packages, postal bombs – Refer to School Emergency Management Plan – IF IN DOUBT CALL THE POLICE
Training will be provided, where necessary, to ensure that employees understand their responsibilities under the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and are able to carry out their duties in a safe and proper manner.
Name and address of establishment St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School Post Code: L8 5UX Tel No:
Title, official address and telephone number of the Headteacher of the establishment and where he/she can be contacted away from the premises in an emergency: Joanne Lewis – Headteacher Emergency No: 07793681317
Title, official address and telephone number of at least one person designated by the Headteacher of the establishment to act in his/her absence: Paul McKenna – Site Manager Emergency No: 07596515316
Key personnel in the line management structure. The following are nominated as the School’s contact for the areas of employment and activities stated below:
Location | Name |
School fabric, boiler house, playground, etc | Paul McKenna |
Physical Education & Sports Equipment | Jamie Sproule (PE Co-ord) |
Audio Visual | Sarah Lally (ICT) |
Science | J Davies (Science Co-ord) |
Home economics | J Davies (Science Co-ord) |
CDT | J Davies (DT Coordinator) |
School visits | Joanne Lewis (Headteacher) |
Kitchen and dining room | C Kennedy (Cook) |
General supervision of classrooms, corridors, stairwells, playground, etc | Jenny Shack (EVC) |
Outdoor activities and equipment | Sarah Lally |
Accidents and sickness of pupils | Joanne Lewis (Headteacher) |
Furniture and fittings | Paul McKenna |
This statement of St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School Health and Safety policy and the organisational arrangements for its implementation, will be monitored, carefully reviewed and if necessary updated by the Headteacher, Senior Management Team and Governing Body, including the release / issue of any new general and specific codes of practice or guidance information.
Policy written by: J Lewis
Date of policy: September2020 Ratified by Governors 28.09.2020
Review date: September 2021