St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool


‘Geography teaching and learning should be an enjoyable, creative, stimulating and magical experience for pupils and teachers alike.’  Paula Richardson

Through the teaching of geography, we aim to;

  • inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world
  • define physical and human characteristics of places of study
  • give experience of fieldwork to deepen pupil’s knowledge and understanding of geographical processes
  • develop pupil’s ability to collect and analyse a range of data
  • ensure pupils can interpret a range of sources of geographical information including globes, maps, diagrams and aerial photographs
  • provide opportunities to gain knowledge of other cultures, and in doing so become aware of what it means to be a global citizen
  • allow pupils to learn graphic skills, including how to use, draw and interpret maps
  • enable children to know and understand environmental problems at local, regional and global levels

Geography LTP

Geography Curriculum Progression

SMSC for Geography