St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool

Hot rocks and fossils.


Good to see science club exploring different types of rocks this afternoon. They used hot rocks and melting wax to write their names. Also, great exploration of Jurassic fossils and the imprints they made.



The Chinese Youth Orchestra

Wow! We watched the most incredible performance of Chinese music today, performed by a very talented group of Cantonese teenagers. It was awe inspiring, and we were all amazed by the beautiful, powerful sounds made by their traditional instruments.



Science interventions

Great to see children across KS2 learning science together! This group is designed to give some of our pupils extra practise honing their scientific skills and developing their knowledge.

Y3 and Y4 Cinema Trip

We had a great time at the cinema yesterday! The children went to see an animated film called ‘Ballerina’, about an orphaned children from France who dreamed of becoming a dancer.  An amazing story of determination and will to succeed, as well as good links with anti-bullying week!