St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool

Pond dipping

In science club this week, we went pond dipping to see what was lurking in the waters this time of year. The children weren’t expecting to see much, but we were pleasently surprised! See some photos on Twitter!

Comparing fruits

This week, as part of our Little Red unit of work, we’ve been thinking about healthy foods to take to Grandma’s house. Reception have been chopping up and tasting some tropical fruits and comparing how they look and how they taste. Check out the photos on twitter!

Hot rocks and fossils.


Good to see science club exploring different types of rocks this afternoon. They used hot rocks and melting wax to write their names. Also, great exploration of Jurassic fossils and the imprints they made.



Forensics in science club!

We had a great time in science club, learning about how forensic scientists find finger prints when exploring crime scenes. We had to observe carefully and use simple equipment to find the perfect print.



Science club – making fossils!


Science club was was so much fun last night. We used playdoh, unident and toy dinosaurs to recreate how real fossils are made. The playdoh represented the sticky mud the dinos fell in when they died. Then we pressed down hard with our hands, to show how layers of mud, sand and rocks piled on top of the dinosaurs. Finally, we replaced the dinosaurs body with unident (which represented the fossilised remains). Messy, but lots of fun!

Do all solutes dissolve at the same rate?


I was absolutely thrilled with Year 3s practical skills in science this week. They are getting better and better. It was a joy to watch them carrying out their experiments with the care and accuracy I would expect from much older children! They tested granulated sugar, icing sugar and salt to see if they dissolved at the same rate or took different amounts of time.



Getting Warmer

Year 2 have been investigating how and why materials change form. Most materials expand when they are heated. The children made predications on how the materials might change and described how the materials appeared when they changed. We had so much fun and were amazed at the changes that took place when materials including chocolate, bath bombs, wax and jelly cubes were mixed with hot water.


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Electricity parent workshop

In Science, we designed burglar alarms by using our knowledge of circuits. We invited our parents and families in to support us and they were a fantastic help! It was great to show them how much we know about electricity and to impress them by helping them. Thank you all for coming!

Our last day at KIND

Another amazing day at KIND. We are so sad that it is our last day but have been so lucky to have such a great opportunity. Thank you so much to all the staff at KIND, especially Tilly.

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Science Parent Workshop

In Science, we designed burglar alarms by using our knowledge of circuits. We invited our parents and families in to support us and they were a fantastic help! It was great to show them how much we know about electricity and to impress them by helping them. Thank you all for coming!