St Patrick's Primary School, Liverpool

St Patrick’s Day Suncatchers

Foundation have had great fune making suncatchers for St Patrick’s Day. Have a look at our pictures.

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Super Star Winners!


These wonderful children have done a fantastic job being super stars!

Good to be green winners!


Well done one to this week’s children – an all girl line-up!

I’m Stick Man, I’m Stick Man…

Today, each child from Year 2 went on a stick hunt to make their very own Stick Man. After we made the stick men in our Art books, we wrote character descriptions for each one of them. Take a look at our great photos so far.

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Science Parent Learning

Thanks so much to our wonderful parents who supported the children and teachers in Year 3 this week! We loved having you with us to build burglar alarms.  The children used their knowledge of circuits and conductors to make pressure pads and trip wires which sounded a buzzer when activated! Great stuff!