Mission Statement
At the heart of everything we think and do at St. Patrick’s are the Christian principles of peace, love and understanding. These principles will help us to show mutual care, respect and forgiveness.
We encourage a love of learning and work together to help each individual towards happiness, self belief, independence and fulfilment.
We promote good relationships between home, school, parish and community to the benefit of all.
To keep our core principles at the heart of everything we do at St. Patrick’s, we:
– implement all policies with a special emphasis on R.E and P.S.H.E.
– develop the ethos of the school, fostering self-belief and a respect
for others’ beliefs in everything we do.
– provide opportunities for spiritual and moral development within a
peaceful environment, encouraging thoughtful and meaningful
collective worship and reflection.
In encouraging a love of learning and working together to help each individual towards happiness, self-belief, independence and fulfilment, we:
– provide enriching learning opportunities of the highest quality which
enhance pupils’ independence, enabling self-fulfilment.
– encourage and support the professional development of all staff.
– enhance pupils’ self-belief, self-respect and respect for others
through providing positive role models.
In promoting good relationships between home, school, parish and community to the benefit of all, we:
– involve parents and carers in the life of the school.
– support the parish sacramental programmes through meaningful
exchanges between home, school and Church.
– develop and sustain links with the local and wider community.